Exhibitor is responsible for set-up, dismantling, and appropriately labeling and coordinating materials for shipment during specified periods.
Exhibitors are provided a 6-foot table with tablecloth. Compact pop-up tabletop exhibits are permitted. Pop up signs, computer monitors, literature, laptops are permitted. Exhibitors are responsible for ordering and paying for any needed electricity or extra equipment. Exhibitors are also responsible for shipping and handling fees with the specific hotel. Preference of space assignment will be given in the order in which applications are received and level of support. Exhibitors wishing to avoid assignment of space adjacent to a particular company should indicate that on their application. WILDERNESS-MEDICINE reserves the right to alter the exhibit floor plan at any time.
Payment for Exhibiting at WILDERNESS-MEDICINE Events should be made payable to WILDERNESS-MEDICINE c/o Well-Assembled Meetings. Checks are accepted as well as Visa/Mastercard/American Express. Payment needs to be received 30 days prior to the start of the conference to be included in printed materials.
Exhibitor should make available a high-resolution logo of their company for recognition in course materials and websites.
Ensuring the quality of WILDERNESS-MEDICINE for attendees and exhibitors requires a mutual commitment of good faith and cooperation by all parties involved. Cancellation of exhibiting commitment must be received in writing to within 30 days of the start of the conference. If space or event is canceled more than 30 days in advance -- all monies paid to date minus a $475 processing fee will be returned to the exhibitor. Sponsors who cancel within 30 days of the events start are responsible for the total event commitment including booth, grants and meals costs.
You filled out our online exhibitor application form -- you space is being held while your company processes payment. However, exhibit space is only guaranteed with payment. The deadline to receive payment is 30 days prior to the program start date.
Exhibitors are responsible for complying with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
In accordance with CME guidelines, product information cannot be distributed at any scientific session. Companies may not display or demonstrate products, processes, or services, solicit orders, or distribute advertising material at any location outside the Exhibit Area other than in their assigned exhibit space. The exhibitor may be subject to forfeit if the guideline is violated.
All participants affiliated with exhibits must be registered. The official event badge must be worn whenever an exhibitor representative is in the exhibit area or meeting rooms. Individual exhibit representatives must check in with the registration desk to obtain name badges.
All materials used in the exhibit area must conform to local ordinances and be in accordance with regulations established by the National Association of Fire Underwriters. All displays are subject to inspection by the local safety authority. Fire stations and extinguisher equipment are not to be covered or obstructed.
Standard facility security services are included. Additional protection including evening staffing of security professionals is not furnished in the exhibit area when exhibits are closed. The safekeeping of the exhibitor’s property shall remain the responsibility of the exhibitor, and we advise all valuables be removed each night for safekeeping.
LIABILITY - Exhibitor shall be fully responsible to pay for any and all damages to property owned by the Venue, its owners or managers which result from any act or omission by exhibitor. Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, The facility, its owners, managers, officers or directors, agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any damages or charges resulting from exhibitor’s use of the property. Exhibitor’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from, out of, or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of the exhibitor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the Venue or any part thereof.
The exhibitor, Venue and WILDERNESS-MEDICINE agree to indemnify, defend and hold each other harmless from any loss, liability, costs or damages arising from actual or threatened claims or causes of action resulting from the negligence, gross negligence or intentional misconduct of the party indemnifying or its respective officers, directors, employees, agents, contractors, members or participants (as applicable), provided that with respect to officers, directors, employees, and agents such as individuals are acting within the scope of their employment or agency, as applicable.
The exhibitor shall obtain, maintain and provide evidence of insurance upon request in amount sufficient to provide coverage for any liabilities which may reasonably arise out of or result from the parties respective obligations pursuant to this contract.
Each registered exhibitor will receive an email when the Exhibitor Service Kit becomes available. The kit will provide information and order forms for all exhibitor needs, including shipping. Materials should not be shipped to those staying at the hotel. Additional forms will be included for labor, material handling, electricity, furniture rental, signage, rental displays, electrical, audiovisual, telephone and cleaning.
Sales and order taking are permitted, provided all transactions are conducted in a manner consistent with the professional nature of the meeting. Products for sale must be the exhibitors’ own products and the products or services must be pertinent to the attendees’ professional interest. WILDERNESS-MEDICINE reserves the right to restrict sales activities that it deems inappropriate or unprofessional. Exhibitors must comply with all sales tax requirements. Exhibitors selling or taking orders during the meeting must adhere to all business license and sales and use tax regulations, which vary from state to state.
Drawings, raffles or quiz-type contests require prior approval. Exhibits should not make noises that interfere with other exhibitors or conference presentations. The Conference/Event Manager reserves the right to refuse applications which do not meet the expected standards, as well as the right to curtail parts of exhibits that reflect against the character of the meeting. This right of approval applies to displays, literature, advertising, novelties, souvenirs, conduct of persons, etc.
In the event that WILDERNESS-MEDICINE is abbreviated or canceled because of circumstances beyond the SET’s control, including, but not limited to, health concerns, civil disturbance, earthquake, electrical outage, explosion, fire, freight embargo, strike or labor unrest, flood, hurricane, tornado, or other acts of God, and act of war, terrorism, or the act of any government (de facto or de jure) or any government agency, WILDERNESS-MEDICINE reserves the right, at WILDERNESS-MEDICINE directors sole discretion, to unilaterally terminate the agreement between WILDERNESS-MEDICINE and the exhibitor. In these circumstances, the exhibitor expressly agrees to waive any claim the exhibitor may have against the WILDERNESS-MEDICINE or Well-Assembled Meetings, including, but not limited to, those for fees paid by or on behalf of the exhibitor for exhibit space, registration, support opportunities, food and beverage, audiovisual services, signage, housing and travel.
Exhibitors may not permit any other party to exhibit in their space any goods other than those manufactured or distributed by the contracting exhibitor or permit the solicitation of business by others within their booth space.
Photographing and video recording by Exhibitor is prohibited during the conference unless notice has been provided and written permission has been received by subjects involved. Exhibitors and Sponsors agree that WILDERNESS-MEDICINE may utilize images that may include the Exhibitors logos, products, or other likeness for promotional purposes without compensation. In the event that the Exhibitor would like an image removed -- WILDERNESS-MEDICINE will make all reasonable efforts will to remove offending images. Exceptions may include printed materials until reprinting is afforded.
No material shall be posted on, tacked, nailed, screwed or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors or other parts or portions of the hotel building or furnishings without express approval. Exhibitors must install and tear down their exhibit space during the designated installation and dismantle times. Delays in removal or shipping may subject you to fees charged by the hotel or venue. Storage fees may be imposed if equipment is not shipped out during designated periods.
By completing the Exhibitor Registration & Application, the exhibiting company agrees to abide by all terms and conditions outlined in this Supporter Prospectus. Electronic signature of the contract also agrees to share the terms and conditions with their company representatives who attend WILDERNESS-MEDICINE. All matters and questions not covered by these terms and conditions are at the discretion of WILDERNESS-MEDICINE and Well-Assembled Meetings. These terms and conditions may be amended at any time by WILDERNESS-MEDICINE and all amendments, upon publication, shall be equally binding on all parties by them as the original regulations. All rules and regulations will be enforced without exception. Whenever possible, WILDERNESS-MEDICINE will issue a warning and ask the exhibitor to correct the violation.